We are Sembodja

The business of Sembodja is focused on import and distribution of mineral, organo-mineral and organic fertilizers for agriculture, as well as raw materials and chemicals for the fertilizer industry. The company’s activities started in 1999. In 2021, the product portfolio was expanded to include a selection of cereal seeds such as wheat, corn, sunflower, oilseed, sorghum, alfalfa, and more

Sembodja has its own laboratory for soil, water and plant tissue analysis allowing us to recommend the best products and practices for precise nutrition of crops, aiming at improving soil fertility, achieving optimal yields and quality of cultivated crops, as well as preserving the environment.

In 2024, we entered a new phase of our development with the opening of our storage and production facility. This milestone also marked the launch of our new product lines, NitroTec® and SemPhos®, designed to meet the needs of modern and sustainable agriculture. Our production facility enables us to offer customized solutions with formulations tailored to the specific needs of each field and crop. This way, our partners can achieve successful yields while optimizing costs and protecting the environment.


Our fertilizer list consists of more than 90 products designed for soil and foliar applications, as well as seed treatment. We offer options ranging from traditional fertilizers to advanced formulations, suitable for every type of application


Торовата ни листа съдържа над 90 продукта за почвено и листно приложение, и за третиране на семена. От класически торови до най-съвременни формулации за всеки вид приложение.


Sembodja Seeds offers a carefully curated selection of seeds for soft and durum wheat, barley, rye, triticale, oilseed, sunflower, corn, sorghum, alfalfa, legumes, and other high potential varieties and hybrids, produced by French and Italian seed companies. This ensures a guaranteed origin, certification, and reliability. Because we believe that a good harvest starts with good seeds


При нас ще намерите старателно подбрана селекция на семена за мека и твърда пшеница, ечемик, ръж, тритикале, рапица, слънчоглед, царевица, сорго, люцерна, бобови култури и други високодобивни сортове и хибриди, селекционирани от елитни френски и италиански семенарски компании, с гарантиран произход, сертифицирани и сигурни. Защото вярваме, че добрата реколта се прави с добри семена.

Who are we


We are proud to have deep knowledge and connections within the international fertilizer industry. Our long-term partnership with recognized fertilizer producers in Bulgaria, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas reflect our commitment. We are well informed and follow constantly the global trends in crop nutrition, and carefully select the partners we work with as well as the products we offer. Our expertise allows us to offer the best fertilizers for all agricultural crops cultivated in Bulgaria, operating with quality, price and accurate time of delivery.

Our fertilizer list consists of more than 90 products designed for all types of soil and foliar applications, as well as seed treatment. We offer options ranging from traditional fertilizers to advanced formulations, suitable for every type of application

Thanks to our extensive experience and established partnerships with leading companies in the chemical industry, Sembodja is a major supplier of chemicals such as porous ammonium nitrate, technical urea, nitric/phosphoric acid, sodium chlorate, etc.

We are implementing new products and technologies to improve plant nutrition while mitigating the negative aspects of fertiliser application on the environment.

All solutions
in fertilizers

Our laboratory is equipped with contemporary measuring instruments for sampling and analyzing soil samples, water, and plant tissue.

The analysis of macro- and micronutrient elements in the soil and plant tissue ensures proper plant nutrition, quality of agricultural production, as well as improved soil fertility and environmental preservation.

Agronomy advice

Read our recommendations for plant nutrition of the key crops cultivated in Bulgaria: wheat, maize, sunflower, oilseed, fruit crops, vineyards, vegetables, and more.


Practical advice related to the application and mixing of solid and liquid fertilizers; recognizing symptoms of nutrient deficiencies, pH measurement, and more.


The significance of macro- and micronutrients, biostimulants, seaweed extracts, and humic acids in plant nutrition.
